
     the Truth in Art

MATIS helps you access hidden information in art.

     the Truth in Art

MATIS helps you access hidden information in art.

MATIS Experience

Supporting Art Experts in their daily Authentication Works

What we do

MATIS offers a user-friendly, certified multispectral camera coupled with an intuitive user interface for a robust pigment mapping, pigment identification and improved visualization of underdrawings in oil paintings.

With our improved and targeted illumination-induced technology, our camera is an intuitive tool to assist art experts in their daily authentication assessment, increasing efficiency without hiring costly third-party experts or engineers.

Illumination module

Looking at Art differently

Our illumination layout provides an automatic power adjustment and calibration, adapted to any experimental conditions of images acquisition. Based on physics models of light absorption and reflection, our illumination-induced multispectral images reveal the different layers of the artworks from surface examination to underdrawings, according to the thickness and condition of the artworks. Our technology allows for an accurate pixel-wise reflectance extraction.

  • High resolution images
  • 13 different bands
  • Handheld
  • No external lamps and equipment needed

Certificate of authenticity become much more valuable when coupled with provenance and technical investigation: scientific analysis put into context with technical art history.


Multispectral Technology

Multispectral imaging involves capturing images of the artwork using a range of wavelengths beyond what is visible to the human eye, from ultraviolet (UV) to infrared (IR). Each wavelength provides unique information about the materiality of the artworks, revealing hidden details, underlying structures and material properties that may not be apparent under normal visible light. 

The MATIS solution is unique, based on physics models of light absorption and reflection, our illumination-induced multispectral images reveal the different layers of the artworks from surface examination to underdrawings, according to the thickness and condition of the artworks.


Unlocking Art

Elevate your multispectral imaging experience with our intuitive user interface, perfectly paired with our cutting-edge multispectral camera. Our software integrates advanced image processing algorithms that reveal hidden information within artworks, such as underdrawings and spectral information.

Our interactive user interface provides an intuitive experience, making analysis and collaboration effortless. Designed with institutions in mind, our software also integrates a secure database to safeguard your valuable data.

  • Pigment identification
  • Pigment mapping
  • Underdrawings visualisation

our Solutions

Scientific assessment of paintings is now easily accessible to all art professionals through our various plans.

You only have to choose the subscription that best serves your specific needs. Our promise is to deliver you instantaneous results that are accessible to interpret. Through the subscription, you get access to the camera and our proprietary software for image visualizations and analysis.